The drill is suitable for teams who use a high pressing football in their Defensive Organization and their formations is the 4 – 3 – 3 during the phase. The high press behavior simulates Liverpool’s pressing in a high block. It has as an objective to teach the 3 forwards and the 3 midfielders to press in the opponent’s defensive third.

It’s a high intensity drill that can be used in the microcycle the tension (strength) day.
Three teams of 6. The drill can be done with 3 repetitions of 2 minutes. The defending team sends three players to defend in the box where the ball is. The target is to not allowed the progression of the ball by breaking the lines or a long ball. The team in possession must complete minimum 4 passes and switch box with a ground or long pass . If defenders recover the ball, the coach serves a new ball to the opposite box
1) A succesful switch of game counts for 1 goal
2) Switch play after minimum 4 passes
3) The defenders in the intermediate area can block the vertical passes or recover long balls even with entering the opposite box when the ball is in the air
Coaching Points
- High and intensive pressing
- Communication to press in an organized way
- Push the opponents to play inside
- In case of break lines the forwards must quickly recover
Find more pressing drills in COACHING 4-3-3 TACTICS – 154 TACTICAL SOLUTIONS AND PRACTICES Ebook